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Doug Casey and the Fall of America

20 Jun

Screen Shot 2013-06-20 at 12.17.37

It’s Doug Casey day, here on the Euro Vigilante, with an excellent set of videos from the ‘Fall of America’ series.

Just to help those on mobile devices, where YouTube playlists never seem to work correctly, here are all of the ‘Doug Casey, Fall of America’ YouTube snippets that we could lay our hands on.


The Largest Criminal Entity on Earth:

The Precipice of the Greater Depression:

The Future of Freedom in America:

The End of the Nation State:

The Federal Reserve:

Sovereignty and Borders of the United States:

Class Warfare:

America Becoming a Police State:

The Charade of Nationalism:

Americans Accepting Control:

The Land of the Free:

Institutionalized Coercion:

The American Idea:

The nonsense of endless government interference in business

1 May

Golden Angel Bank of England

The nonsense of continual government interference in business has been made clear yet again with the latest financial shenanigans, in which Apple Corporation has just sold $17 billion dollars worth of debt despite sitting on much more than that in cash holdings. To do this, they’ve had to pay Goldman Sachs a huge fee to organise the deal. So why would they do this? In a private world, they would just take some of their cash and send some of it to their shareholders.

Alas, however, they’re unable to do this in ‘government-world’, because they’d have to pay huge amounts of tax to the U.S. government to ‘repatriate’ that cash from abroad. So they’re borrowing money instead, to benefit their shareholders. And this is because of arcane tax rules, and a ‘tax shield’ effect of treating bond coupons as valid expenses and therefore as being tax-free.

So they have to issue debt to get ‘tax benefits’ and they have to keep their cash abroad, to get tax benefits. Both of these insidious effects make Apple less effective and less fluid as a company, and force their executives to spend time (and huge amounts of money in fees for Goldman Sachs) coming up with these complex tax scams. With that time, they should be coming up with great product ideas for me instead, such as an iPad I can write on with a stylus and which I can use as a phone, or other such ‘brainwave’ ideas. However, instead, they need to resort to accountancy chicanery to keep Wall Street financial analysts happy, instead of making me these great products (which Samsung are making instead, thank goodness, though don’t get me started on the Android operating system, which is just plain horrible compared to iOS).

And here’s the kicker, as the Americans say. If you read down through the comments of this ZeroHedge piece, it appears Apple are actually buying their own debt, via another complex piece of financial creativity via an offshore subsidiary based inside the United States.

So now we know why people are buying 30-year debt from a company that, let’s face it, is highly unlikely to actually be around in 30 years. Because these people are the same people who issued the debt. Perhaps the people at Apple are learning a central bank trick of buying your own debt with your own money. Fortunately, at least they earned their own money rather than simply printing it out of thin air.

And so this nonsense goes on, with all of us having to spend time and money with accountants trying to figure out ways of legally paying as little tax as possible, instead of spending this time and money trying to serve our clients better. Yet again, all the government can do is cost us, in time, money, and creativity, to feed its ravenous maw. And the benefit of doing all of this unpaid work is what again? Paper monies printed like rivers; health systems that soak up 10% of a nation’s wealth, year on year, and still find themselves incapable of treating the smallest ailment without waits of months and years; failing court systems; growing entrenched unemployment, except for government bureaucrats; and let us fail to forget their wonderful education systems, propagandising generation after generation into the belief that all goodness emanates from the font of government despite government having nothing except that which it steals from the rest of us.

Fortunately, we at The Euro Vigilante can help ease your pain with such things. Just click here, to find out how.

GoldMoney podcast: Robert Wenzel: The parallels of Soviet Russia and modern day America

24 Mar

Robert Wenzel GoldMoney podcast

Another one of my interviews for GoldMoney Foundation, this time with Robert Wenzel, of Economic Policy Journal, on the subject of his Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture at the recent Austrian Economics Research Conference, in Auburn, Alabama, at the Mises Institute. We spoke mainly about how the topic of his speech – the long slow collapse of the Soviet Union – and how it could be applied to modern western economies.

Episode 109: On behalf of the GoldMoney Foundation, Andy Duncan interviews Robert Wenzel at the Austrian Economics Research Conference 2013 in Auburn Alabama.

At the conference this year, Wenzel is delivering the The Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture. His topic: “An Examination of Key Factors in the Collapse of the Soviet Union” leads the discussion. Wenzel, the editor and publisher of, argues that the commonly held view of President Reagan being instrumental in the downfall of the Soviet Union is questionable and that the policies of Gorbachev were the pivotal components.

The time it took for the Soviet Union to collapse was around 70 years and Wenzel describes 4 reasons why this was so and how these concepts may apply to modern day economic conditions in America.

Tribute is then paid to the late Henry Hazlitt, his work and contribution to economics.

This podcast was recorded on 21 March 2013.

For those interested in hearing the whole of Robert’s speech on the Soviet Union, you can watch that here:

To get your own GoldMoney account, with the Euro Vigilante as your referring affiliate, click on the picture below to visit the website, then click on their ‘Free Sign Up’ button, once you’re on their home page…

Buy Gold

The global government paper money plot

18 Mar
Five central bankers plot a new paper money

Five central bankers plot a new paper money

In one of my favourite TV series of recent times, Firefly, a future world is shown to be an amalgam of Anglo-Saxon and Chinese cultures, with the stars of the programme speaking alternately in English and Mandarin.

The series is set in 2517, when two governmental superpowers – the United States and China – fuse together. In doing so, they create an Orwellian world socialist government called The Alliance, which our heroes spend most of their time trying to fight against. The stars of Firefly also did this in their excellent spin-off movie, Serenity, which even challenged The Matrix as being one of the best freedom-based movies of modern times.

But will it take until 2517 before such ‘superpowers’ attempt to wrap us up in the girdling chains of a global socialist superstate? For in plain sight, and using the same Gramscian language as the ‘climate change’ lobby, governmental powers appear to be getting together already, to create a global paper fiat currency. It seems they have perpetual thralldom on their minds for the rest of us, and hope a global paper money will form the new chains.

To my mind, the oncoming storm of a global paper money collapse is certainly anticipated by the world’s claque of ruling bureaucrats.

Some conspiracy theorists might even say it has been planned, to fulfil the tenets of the phrase “from out of chaos, order”. However, I would step back from going that far. Though I do think freeloading deadbeats become rulers by observing the phrase, “never let a good crisis go to waste”.

As current ruling power is based upon paper fonts of wealth – such as the euro and the dollar – what will happen to our current rulers once these fiat currencies shrivel up and die? If I was in their gilded ruby shoes, the solution to me would be obvious. They must try to create a new global ‘super-money’ from the remains of their horrible paper scrips.

And now, from out of China, via a communist-sponsored conference, comes such an organisational attempt. They’ve even designed their own badge for our ‘new money’, which Keynes himself wished to call the ‘bancor‘:

"From Money Chaos to Global Currency"

“From Money Chaos to Global Currency”

This desired currency logo really is quite an ugly mash-up, supposedly with the ‘G’-sign standing for ‘global’. However, for me the whole thing symbolises a chain-wrapped two-celled prison, with the overall ‘G’-sign standing for ‘Government’ or possibly even ‘Gun’.

Conspiracy theorists will particularly like to note the two media partners of the planned event, Reuters and the Financial Times, both of which have long been ‘linked’ to the whole Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission nexus of ruling cognoscenti networks.

Though whether such conspiracies exist, or whether this planned conference is just a sign of desperation from our ‘rulers’, a global fiat currency will only put off the inevitable collapse of paper monies off for a short while. For in the end, freedom and truth will win out. And real wealth-creating and wealth-storing monetary alternatives will emerge along with them, whether these are BitCoin, precious metals, or simple Agorist trading solutions, or possibly all of these mixed up together.

Our nervous governmental apparatchiks can play their well-funded games I suppose, and they will win a little time, especially when backed by their tax-fed intellectual cliques. However, backing pieces of paper by threats of government force never ultimately worked in imperial China. Indeed, whenever such paper monies broke down – taking various Chinese empires with them – it was always a time of tremendous progress within the Middle Kingdom. And so it will be once again, but this time for the entire world. When our current paper monies break down, including this new planned global paper money, we will see tremendous progress both for the onward movement for societal civilisation and for the onward destruction of socialist barbarism.

Though do expect a few chaotic hurdles along the way, which we at The Euro Vigilante stand ready to help you with.

Survive these hurdles by acquiring as much real money as you can. And without wanting to get too heavy on the details of what ‘real money’ is, just make sure it’s something that other people will freely accept in the future without needing a legal tender government gun pointed at their head, to do so. Because when all of the world’s current governments run out of the real money needed to buy bullets for their guns, then we will be operating inside a whole new paradigm.

Skyfall: What James Bond teaches us about the state

12 Mar

English Flag Cross of St George

SPOILER ALERT – The following describes parts of the latest James Bond movie, Skyfall, particularly the opening sequence.

While I was away on a business trip recently, I was sent a DVD of the latest James Bond movie Skyfall to watch on my return. I had watched this movie in the cinema, and although I had found it less gripping than Casino Royale – perhaps a James Bond movie never to be surpassed in quality – I had enjoyed it. I therefore looked forward to watching it again.

Something, however, seems to have happened to me while I was away. Some causal agent has opened up a previously-hidden inner eye. For I found the movie somehow repellent on its second viewing. Although thoroughly evil himself, I also realised that my sympathies lay much more with Raoul Silva, the apocryphal evil villain, than they did with the state-licensed assassin, James Bond.

I think it was the opening sequence that did it. Because I viewed this in an entirely new light, one I had never previously entertained. On my trip, I had been re-reading Professor Hoppe’s edited book, The Myth of National Defense, and the following question arose in my mind as I watched Mr Bond wandering through a blood-filled hotel room at the start of the film:

  • If James Bond was just an agent of a private security company, in a future Hoppe World, would his actions be reasonable in his attempt to capture Patrice, the similarly-talented agent of a rival private security company?

In years gone by, I had never once questioned Mr Bond’s right to do what he did. A fictional Queen has granted him a license to kill through her chief agent, ‘M’, therefore anything he does is completely acceptable, because it’s for Queen and country.

Somehow, I had swallowed the notion that some people (such as fictional queens) possess the power to kill people, merely on their say-so, or that of their agents. Because like many people, I must have partially swallowed at least some of the religious mythology of state worship, which whispers the soothing words that the state is all-knowing and that the state is all-powerful.

Yes, I know intellectually that ‘the state’ is nothing more than a loose contractual association of assorted thugs, vagabonds, socialist intellectuals, crooks, and other politicians, but emotionally I was still partially inside the zone of believing in the state, whilst just bobbing up onto a raw emotional threshold of finally realising my mistake.

The pictures on the TV screen had somehow become green blobs of computer code going up and down and had stopped being part of a compelling story. So how had my emotional mind managed to make the transition? You may already have guessed where I’m going with this. However, let’s examine that opening sequence as if Bond is working for a private security company, charged with protecting a disk drive, as opposed to working for a state security organisation. We’ll call his employers Universal Exports Ltd (UE).

The first thing Bond does is abandon a Universal Exports colleague, at the orders of the CEO who sent that friend into danger. So far, that’s probably allowable on a private security company contract. Life can be tough.

However, then it starts to get interesting. On the basis of a second UE female agent saying “he’s in an Audi”, Bond takes the safety off his gun, ready to kill this potentially completely innocent man, who might work for the Illuminati corporation, their main private security rivals. This second UE agent then smashes both wing mirrors on their car without worrying for a second about the cost to the UE shareholders who financed the car. That’s the first sacking offence, if she was a private employee working for me, and I was the CEO of Universal Exports.

All of this action is happening, without permission, on the privately-owned territory of a third organisation, which we can call Istanbul City Corporation. Fortunately, it has three of the most vigilant and brave security officers I’ve ever seen, who chase after the protagonists as if their lives depended upon it. You rarely see that kind of dedication from British police officers.

So Bond, his female colleague, and the possible Illuminati agent are all trespassing and causing wanton damage on another’s property.

Bond then rams and attempts to kill this potentially innocent man, who we later learn is called Patrice. Bond destroys the man’s vehicle, risking the lives of many pedestrians in the process. Doing what any sensible person would do in Hoppe World, if attacked at random by armed hoodlums, the man first fights back then escapes the scene. Alas, he also commits crimes of his owns, by killing the chasing security officers, so that turns him from a possible suspect into a probable suspect.

Both agents now steal more property from others, in this case motorbikes, both of which they trash.

The female UE agent then fires a stream of bullets into a crowd of innocent bystanders in the hope of murdering this unconvicted and untried man. She bears absolutely no remorse for the chance that she might have killed several other people in the process.

Bond then wrecks half a dozen private vehicles on a train, before cutting this private train in two. All without permission from any of the owners.

At last, we finally see evidence that the man Patrice does actually have a hard drive, while he fights off Bond on top of the train. But what if he obtained this hard drive back at the hotel from rogue UE employees, in a valid private transfer, and then somebody else killed all those men while he drove away from them in his Audi?

It’s of no consequence. Back in London, the Universal Exports CEO orders his Judge-Dredd-style execution.

And nobody bats an eyelid. This is all perfectly normal behaviour for the state. Trespass, property destruction, killing, collateral damage, and execution.

Whether consciously or unconsciously inserted, like many others, this movie is absolutely stuffed full of such state-worshipping memes. Yes, perhaps that was already obvious to you, especially as it’s about a state’s secret agent, but this is the first time I’ve seen it so clearly.

Thank goodness for Professor Hoppe.

But has he now ruined forever my James-Bond-watching pleasure?

Do I have to give up being a Rothbardian to enjoy such future movies? Well, I think I’ll cope, as long as I fully realise that it’s just meme-directed entertainment. If they also keep putting in carnal second-string love interest stars such as Caterina Murino, Gemma Arterton, and Bérénice Marlohe, I’ll fight my way through the suddenly obvious protrusions of state worship.

It’ll be tough, I know. But somehow I think I’ll cope.

So what does this movie teach us about the state? That it will steal, destroy, and kill everything in its path, without remorse, merely to serve the private interests of its members, best summed up in the word association phrase:

“Murder; Employment.”

And it’s all there in plain sight if you know how to see it. How strange it is that I’ve never seen it so clearly before.

Shock news just in! – Western central bankers have just discovered how to rescue us all

8 Mar
An essential central banking policy tool

An essential central banking policy tool

Stop all the Bloomberg feeds, cut off all the cell phones, prevent the press from thinking with a juicy story about the failed politician’s marriage. Because the new governor of the Bank of England, the extremely well-compensated Mark Carney, has just discovered how to fix Great Britain’s economic woes. Can you guess what it is yet? Yes, you might be ahead of me on this one, but he’s going to ‘rescue’ Britain’s economy by printing more money. Who would have thunk it?

(If you can get through the Financial Times paywall, you can read about this here.)

It seems Mr Carney is going to be granted a Federal-Reserve-style mandate of ‘targeting’ both unemployment and price inflation, as opposed to just price inflation. However, since the Bank of England has failed to hit their price inflation target for quite a number of years now, who was counting anyway? This Keynesian dual-targeting of both unemployment and inflation is hilariously based on the 1958 Phillips Curve, which never really worked as a model even back in 1958 and which was repeatedly smashed on the Procrustean rocks of stagflation in the 1970s, to the point where teenage boys would laugh at economics professors who tried to teach it in the ivy league halls of the United States.

However, Keynesians never let history, lost decades, or indeed logic and the unchanging nature of the human condition, ever get in the way of a good mathematical curve, especially when completely unrelated to reality and where it can be used to justify million dollar salaries for themselves personally (once again proving the unchanging nature of the human condition).

And so, after five years of quibbling with a mere half a trillion dollars of quantitative easing, the Bank of England has finally decided to really ‘rescue’ Great Britain, just as Mr Ben Bernanke has ‘rescued‘ the United States, Mr Shinzo Abe has decided to ‘rescue‘ Japan, and Mr Mario Draghi has decided to ‘rescue‘ Euroland. It seems remarkable that they’ve all hit upon the same solution, which is to print more money. Who knew it was that easy?

So why has the Bank of England waited so long outside the western central banking party before deciding to ‘rescue’ Great Britain by flooding it with quadrillions of paper currency units? Before they drown us in yet more digital scrip, however, perhaps they ought to speak first to Mr Gideon Gono, the governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. I’m confident he has an opinion on this crucial central banking tool.

Maybe they decided against this because money printing is the only central banking tool, and if they’re to be denied this wonder drug, they may as well just all sack themselves? Though it does seem amazing to me that you have to pay a man a million dollars a year to tell you that he’s going to swing the only golf club available in the bag. However, I suppose if he wears a suit nicely, sounds vaguely foreign, and looks ‘authoritative’ on financial news programmes, it’s cheaper than hiring Brad Pitt.  We must also remember that although money printing has never done any general society any good, it has done one group of really special people lots of good, especially over the last few years, when most of them should have been made bankrupt. These people are of course the closet friends and the shadowy shareholders of the western central banks, the über-wealthy bank-rollers of the western political classes.

For they just love money printing, especially when it is used to bail out the banks they own and operate. And they’re still über wealthy as a result, when many of them should be pushing trolleys around supermarket car parks. Though collecting supermarket trolleys is honest work, and honest work is something the über-wealthy long since gave up on. Why work when printed money can steal the production of others? Just make sure that you control the people who do the printing. You can ask any mafia gang controlling a high-quality basement counterfeiter about that. And if the money you’re printing is such high quality that it is the currency of the realm, then you can laugh all the way to the Bank of England. So long as you possess the collective morals of a cackle of hyenas.

And so, as the western world wends its weary inevitable way into a full-scale paper money collapse, singing about recovery-around-the-corner all the way down the rabbit hole, we at the Euro Vigilante have a question to ask.

Do you want to continue seeing puppet politicians take your wealth and wither your entrepreneurial spirit to keep propping up their parasitical über-wealthy friends, or would you rather that the fruit of your talent and your labour generated only wealth and benefits for you? We’re still very much in the early stages of constructing bullet-proof international corporate solutions which could help you here, but if you’d like to get in on the ground floor of our service solutions, visit this bare-bones page to contact our Swiss broker. Tell him what your needs are. In a world of lies, corporate welfare, and statism, he might be able to help you reach a world of truth, private wealth, and freedom.

Dominican Republic citizenship and passport services

7 Mar


The Euro Vigilante is pleased to announce that as from today, we are able to arrange passport brokerage services for citizenship of the Dominican Republic, a nation located within the Caribbean.

The main benefits of such a citizenship are the following:

  • Within the limited number of economic citizenship programs currently available around the world, the Dominican Republic program is relatively inexpensive and relatively quick (given the nature of these things)
  • Citizenship by investment grants the same legal rights to the investor as any native Dominican
  • The Dominican Republic allows dual citizenship
  • Dominican citizens are taxed only for profits generated within the Dominican Republic
  • Dominican Republic tax law prevents double taxation

If you’re interested in discovering more about this passport brokerage service, please go to this page.

For our St. Kitts & Nevis passport service, go here.

We will be adding more passport brokerage services over the next few weeks and months. Please keep checking on this website for more details, as we add them.

St. Kitts & Nevis citizenship and passport services

4 Mar
Could this be your view from St. Kitts?

Could this be your view from St. Kitts?

The Euro Vigilante is proud to announce that – as from today – we can offer you brokerage services to help you gain citizenship, along with a passport, for the Caribbean island of St. Kitts & Nevis.

We are also in the final stages of developing such brokerage services for Canada and the Dominican Republic.

Further down the pipeline, we also aim to provide a similar brokerage service for Austria, Cambodia, Paraguay, and Nigeria.

For the moment, however, if you would like to know more about our St. Kitts & Nevis citizenship brokerage service, please go to this page.

For international company formation services, you may also be interested in this page.

The Euro Vigilante is committed to the immortal concepts of truth, wealth, and freedom. We shall continue doing everything we can to help you preserve all three in your own life.

Stockholm syndrome alert: Six of Britain’s biggest water companies ‘use tax havens to avoid paying millions to the Treasury’

15 Feb
Stockholm Town Hall

Stockholm Town Hall

Back in those terrible days when I used to be a socialist, I too used to be ‘outraged’ about stories – such as this one in the Daily Mail – involving people avoiding the payment of tax. This was because I was in the grip of ‘Stockholm Syndrome‘, as many are, with my spiritual home being the town hall of Stockholm, Sweden.

When you live mentally within this state-owned building, you believe that all tax paid to government is somehow benefitting ‘you’ in some way. Because all that benefits the state benefits you, obviously. That every penny paid to government is a penny not just wasted, but likely to be used to make your life worse, is never contemplated. This logical conclusion is never taught in any state-owned schools by state-paid teachers running state-directed curriculums.

Of course, every person on the state payroll will usually foam at the mouth when they find out that someone within their beloved state’s declared territory is legally avoiding tax. This is because nobody on the state payroll is paying any form of tax themselves, just receiving it, in the form of salaries, pensions, and expenses. Yes, of course, they nominally pay tax, and black-and-white figures are printed on their pay-slips to indicate such nominal tax payments. Yes, even members of parliament fill in tax return forms on which some of them declare their parliamentary expenses. But just ask any of these members of parliament, or anyone else on the government payroll, what their wages, pensions, and expenses would be if nobody paid tax, and you will receive one of three responses:

  • You’ll be accused of being Satan and they will foam some more at the mouth
  • They will walk away without saying a word, unable to reply, having been thrown into a catatonic cognitive dissonance
  • A very few of the more thoughtful ones will admit that you are indeed correct, and that none of them pay any form of tax, except via accounting sleights of hand on payslips and invoices

However, for the rest of us, those who actually do pay net protection money to the state mafia, to provide them with the financial tools necessary to oppress us further with more paper laws, predations, taxes, rules, regulations – along with armed men and women to enforce them all – we should praise all of those people who safely and legally manage to avoid paying taxes.

Why? Well, these are a few of the reasons which spring to mind:

  • The average water bill in the UK is £388 pounds, per annum. This is lower than it would otherwise be if the water companies under question in the Daily Mail’s article paid higher amounts of tax. If they did pay the extra tax that the government declares they should morally pay, then our water bills would be even higher than their current outrageous rate, which is pumped up by government enfranchisement, control, and regulation of the water industry. Let us imagine that the average water bill would rise to £410 pounds, per annum. If it did, thank the Daily Mail, the organisation which brought us 70 miles an hour speed limits, which on the M4 motorway, on an average morning, very few observe, except perhaps staff members of the Daily Mail. As the government is the most immoral body in any society, an immunologically-cloaked carcinogenic parasite feeding upon its naked host – i.e. the rest of us – any claims to morality are simply to be laughed at with the derision they deserve.
  • Every penny given to any government empowers it. Therefore, every penny withheld from the government, disempowers it. The more government can be disempowered, the better. One happy future day, the British government will evaporate, with absolutely no income and an inability to borrow or to print currency which anyone else accepts. This shall be a glorious day. I do hope it comes within my lifetime.
  • Every penny earned voluntarily and saved can be used to invest in other projects, some of which will generate extra wealth in society. So where money given to government is not only wasted, but will be used to make life worse, with a 100% chance of certainty, money saved by private people has some chance of making life better, and is never wasted. Yes, I really shouldn’t have bought as many burgundy shirts as I have in my life, with my own money, but all of those purchase decisions gave me pleasure at the point of sale, and I’m sure I looked nice in one of those burgundy shirts at least once, in a dark mirror, at the back of a smoky bar. And even that vague happiness is much more than any penny of tax ever gave anyone, except perhaps for the parasites which took it and fed upon it, usually inflicting misery upon someone else in the process by enforcing some stupid regulation, arresting someone for breaking some stupid paper law, or teaching someone some drivel about socialism.

There’s three reasons. I’m sure you can think of many more. In the meantime, for those of us who applaud truth, wealth, and freedom, we should continue to applaud those who legally, safely, and successfully, manage to stay within all of the state’s stupid parasitical rules, and still manage to avoid providing the state with any extra chains to wrap the rest of us in.

Swiss gold and precious metals storage now being offered by Euro Vigilante for serious investors

14 Feb


At the Euro Vigilante, we believe everyone should own a physical precious metals portfolio to acquire and protect truth, wealth, and freedom for themselves.

So we’re now offering serious investors the possibility to acquire and safely store physically allocated gold, silver, platinum, and palladium in Switzerland, within an individually tailored account.

If you would like to investigate this new personally-tailored service, please contact our Swiss gold and precious metals storage broker, either at this link, or via the menu item on our front page.

(For those with less to invest, we will work on creating that service too.)